

Surges, waves, whatever you want to call them. I felt them.

I went to the Dr. on Tuesday for my regular visit and they checked me out to see if I was effaced or dilated at all. I was fully expecting to not be anything. At the most, just a little effaced. I hadn't felt a single contraction, Braxton Hicks or otherwise, and had only experienced mild, mild crampiness the week before. The Doc checked me out (what an O so pleasant experience...not) and told me, with a surprised look on her face, that I was 80% effaced and about 1-2 cm dilated! What?! I was thrilled...am thrilled.

And so it began-- the wondering, waiting, and especially over-analyzing every tiny feeling. I know some women stay like that for weeks, so I was trying not to get too excited (that didn't last very long). I was all excited that day and night. I woke up several times in the middle of the night to see if I was having any kind of contraction at all. Many of those times, I would try to "Jedi mind trick" myself into having contractions or having my water break...but to no avail. I woke up with no baby.

Last night, more signs came that I am getting this baby out sooner rather than later (some of them fall into the TMI category so I won't share). I woke up several times in the middle of the night to contractions...radiating throughout my lower abdomen and my back. It was just a lot of pressure, no pain really. I didn't wake J up because I knew these weren't the contractions...this was just a practice run, and they went away by about 6 in the morning. I told my mom all the things that I experienced, and she decided she is going to fly in tomorrow. She is convinced that this baby is coming by the end of this weekend. I will probably eat my words, but I think he will be here between Saturday and Tuesday. Should we open up a betting pool?

Can you tell patience was never my strong point? Cross your fingers and say a little prayer for me. :)


Shawnel said...

You had better take a picture. Or else make sure to take one before you leave for the hospital.

Shawnel said...

Oh and I bet it comes Wednesday Morning. But I hope it come earlier.