
Day 08--A Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad

It's not that this is a sad memory...I am sad looking at it for a few reasons. We won't be making any more memories like this at the cabin. We packed up everything in the cabin when we went back home in April because we have to sell it or we lose it in August. Either way...it's pretty much gone. I cried a few times while we were packing it up. This is where J first kissed me. This is where we spent our first Christmas together. We spent the "Summer of Fun" there before we moved here. This place holds a special place in my heart and I will miss it a lot. But Heavenly Father has a plan, and we will find another place like this eventually...one where we will make many more memories.

This also makes me sad because I am incredibly homesick right now. I'm homesick for our family and I'm homesick for Montana itself. I'm having a really hard time being away from mine and J's parents being all big and pregnant like I am. I was supposed to experience this with them and I feel somewhat gypped sometimes when I think about it. But, then I think, "I am blessed to be having this experience of being pregnant and having this baby at all." And then I stop complaining real quickly because no matter how sad I am, I realize that I am truly blessed and have a multitude of blessings and tender mercies to be grateful for. Every time my little man kicks I am reminded of that and say a little prayer of thanks to my Heavenly Father for loving me so much and blessing me with an abundance.

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