
A Surprising Addiction...

I look at the clock every 5 minutes. "Is it time yet?" I ask myself. No. Ugh.

Why does time travel so slow when you are waiting for something awesome to happen?

Awhile back we tried watching "The Office." We shut it off, disappointed after the first 3 episodes. Michael Scott was just way too awkward...I buried my face in my pillow about 20 times an episode trying to escape the awkwardness. I told this to a friend who likes said show. She gave me advice I would never forget, "Stick it out. It's like the best love story ever." So I did. J and I recommenced watching "The Office." And for the past 3 nights, we've watched "The Office" till 1:30 in the morning. I'm addicted! I can't handle not knowing what will happen next. We are currently in like episode 4 or 5 in the 3rd season.

Thankfully, Michael Scott awkward moments are down to about 3 to 4 "face buries" in one episode, and I am actually even enjoying him as a character. My favorite two characters? For those of you who've seen it, do you really need to ask? Pam and Jim. Hands down.

So now I am waiting for J to get done with work so we can start our marathon tonight (he would kill me if I watched it without him).

And time just keep ticking slower, and slower, and slower.

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