
More CUTE pictures!

Because who wouldn't want to look at the cutest baby in the world?!

Love these moments.

A lady in our home ward made him this hat.  I absolutely LOVE it. 

Finally got some smiles on camera!  Usually he won't smile for the camera, but he was extra happy this day!

Love this one.  So sweet. (If you look at the next 3 pictures fast-ish, he kinda looks like he is dancing! haha)

He stands up all the time.  He loves it.  Most of the time you just have to balance him and he does the rest.  He has got some strong little legs...just like his daddy.


Clayton and Niki said...

Where in the world did you get that beanie?? I have been looking for one for Van FOREVER!

Anonymous said...

He must be getting bigger! His little hat is fitting him now!