
Happiness Is...

Taking an afternoon snooze with Dad.
Getting to play with the remote!

Figuring out how to move a shoe box to be able to get up on the TV stand.

Eating cherries "Nakey Jakey" style!

Playing with bubbles for the first time.

Playing in the shower...with your clothes on!!!

Finding a door just your size...

Eating the furniture.

Attacking Mom while she is trying to take a picture!

Eating raisins...
And unknowingly getting them stuck on your cheek.

Attacking Mom again while she is trying to take a picture!

Crawling under the high chair first thing in the morning.

Having a green bean goatee.

Just eating "Nakey Jakey" style in general.

Watching "Signing Time" real up close and personal.

Wearing your favorite hat.

Again...eating naked!

Crawling at the speed of light!

And wearing your awesome hat backwards while doing it.

Taking a quick breather.

Getting to play with the spoon and sweet potatoes!

I just love my little man.


Mom/Gramama said...

Oh my gosh!!! You made my day! thank you for posting these awesome pictures and letting us see Jake in action! What a pure joy!!!

melvin said...
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The Williamson's said...

He is so cute!

Simply Sara said...

he is sssooooo cute i miss him!