
Since February...

We celebrated Valentine's Day with this little dude...
Got dirty while...

prepping the hole in our backyard for our future garden!

All the while, enjoying nice wheel barrow rides.

We stared at this cute face...

and giggled with glee at his wardrobe choices.

We observed owls from our back patio...

and came up with fun new hat ideas.

Jake went on his first Scout hike with J...

and fell in love with drinking out of the Camelback pack.

We did some nesting...OK, a lot of nesting.

And planted a garden!  Complete with potatoes (not seen yet), jalapeno peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, zucchini, and watermelon (also not seen yet).

Watched as Jason's vine blew up and sprouted these beauties (now much bigger).

Had our first campout in the backyard.

I am just going to die of cuteness looking at that face...

for real.

We didn't last all night because my 8-month pregnant body couldn't handle the sleeping arrangements.  Jake did fantastic though and I am excited for some more camping this summer.

Jason had a birthday!  Look at that awesome mini-mud pie his wife made him...

that is one lucky dude. :)

AND WE...to be continued...

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