
Long Time No Blog...

And it will be even a little bit longer because unfortunately, I don't have the pictures from all of our adventures on my computer yet!

But I just wanted to post a little something to say HELLO to everyone and to let everyone know we are alive! Sorry if we've been absent from your lives...it is truly a temporary situation--things have been CRAZY!

Here's a sample of what our life has been like:

Working, working, working, a trip back home for Christmas while working, working, working, a trip to Utah to work on the motel, working, working, and still working. Hahaha...

Don't get me wrong...I am WAY grateful we have the work!!! It's been way too long since we've been this busy and it truly is a blessing from Heavenly Father, but it is the reason we haven't been able to see a lot of you or talk to a lot of you! Just know we love you and I will try and post shortly of our mini adventures we've had while working! :D

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